Showing Your Scottie
Showing your Scottie
If you intend to show your Scottish Terrier all you have to do firstly is contact the Royal New South Wales Canine Council on (02) 9834-3022 and ask for membership details to be sent to you.
After joining the RNSWCC you will need to purchase a show entry form book. A request for this book may be done when sending in your completed membership form.
Now that your membership is completed you will receive a publication called The Canine Journal published by the RNSWCC each month. This journal contains general show news around the dog circuit, results of previous dog shows, etc., and details of upcoming specialty and all breeds dog shows. The details of the shows appear in a special section of the journal called The Canine Gazette stating:
*Dog club holding the show
*Where the show is to be held
*Date and commencement time of the show
*Judges of each particular group
*List of prizes
*Entry fee amount
*Who to send the completed entry form to
*Name of Club for remittance to be made out to.
Normally on the top right hand corner of the show advertisement is where you will find the closing date for entries to be received by the club hold the show.
Other information which may help you is also contained in the advertisement.
Members of The Scottish Terrier Club Inc. will help any new member to the club fill out show entry forms.
The Scottish Terrier Club Inc. holds three specialty breed shows each year, championship show in April and October and an open show in August.
The normal procedure for entering a show is selecting the show you want to enter, fill in the entry form, and post it in time so it reaches its destination before the closing date.
When sending entries always include a stamped, self-addressed envelope (for return of your number) the completed entry form (s) and a remittance cheque to cover entry fee and show catalogue. It is advisable that new exhibitors purchase a show catalogue.
Try to arrive at the show ring for the commencement of the show. There is always someone there to direct you to the Terrier ring when you first start showing. Read your catalogue after you pick it up from the secretary’s office it will indicate the order of judging and help you have your puppy ready when the Scotties are called.
It is a good idea to go to the assembly area nearing the completion of the breed before of the Scottish Terriers, this way you will not miss the call for your puppy. Have your show number clearly displayed and listen for the steward to call you to the ring entrance.
Show training for your Puppy
There are a number of organisations in Sydney and also in country areas that hold show training classes to help you introduce your new puppy into the show ring and also help older dogs that may have other particular problems showing.
The training not only gets the puppy used to being in and around the show ring and handled by different instructor, it is also designed to educate the dog handler on what to do and handle him/herself in the ring.
These classes are a valuable asset to you and your puppy if you intend to show regularly and want to get the very best out of it.
For information regarding these show training classes contact your local all breeds club or the Scottish Terrier Club Inc.
The Scottish Terrier Club Inc. also holds special show training and grooming days for members when necessary. Details of when and where these activities are held appear in the Scottish Terrier newsletter, which is published every two months.